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Featured Renegade Mods

RXP Mod final pro Author: (not specified)
RXP Mod final pro screen shot Flying map, good defences i.e sam sites. Good snipering points on top of mountains. Package contains normal maps apart from Glacier Flying as mod released before that patch.
Experimental Mutant cyborg mod (PKG File) Author: joe kelley
Experimental Mutant cyborg mod (PKG File) screen shot No vehicles, there is 1 neutral beacon in each base, THEY ARE THE PT'S (in canyon they are hidden behind the crate pile)
C&C Tiberium Pit 3 Author: Titan1X77
C&C Tiberium Pit 3 screen shot Teleporters take you out to old running silo's still storing tiberium from years ago...bases have been revamped and and GDI has countered nod's recons with one of their own...although it's not as fast ,it has more armor then it's counterpart.Silo's give an extra credit per second and is important to have those extra credits,due to raised prices in aircraft(increase in health/armor)

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