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Featured Renegade Mods

Tiberian Evolution X7a Author: CRaZy_iKe
Tiberian Evolution X7a screen shot New in this version:
-added kirov bomber(thanks to the CGD mod team for the model)
- added paratroop beacon: they can be found in desert storm & warzone on the barracks/hand of nod or in Tiberium Swamp in front of the barracks/hand of nod
-added desert eagle for super soldiers and GDI commando (thanks to the CGD mod team for the model)
-added Tiberium Swamp map (made by ApacheRSG)
-added PT icons for Heavy Tank, Tesla Tank, and Halftrack
-working conyards in Tiberium Swamp
-and more =]
GDI Base Author: GidionTheDead
GDI Base screen shot This is a C&C Renegade Deathmatch map, based upon the original GDI base from the game's tutorial. There are 4 different starting locations, lots of weapons and even a single Vehicle spawner.
Both teams are balanced with GDI having access to a good sniping spot, whereas the Brotherhood of Nod has a starting point next to the vehicle (in the War Factory).
Matts Nod Soldier Bots Author: Matt2405
Matts Nod Soldier Bots screen shot This is a mod that contains nearly all the bots on the game,
and you can choose which one you want to, this contains about 11 different drop mods.

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