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Featured Renegade Mods

Lake (The) Author: ZonePK & PHTHONESS
Lake (The) screen shot Non flying map, bases have defenses (Guard Tower/Obelisk).
Bisen11's Mod Package Number Two Author: bisen11
Bisen11's Mod Package Number Two screen shot This is just a bunch of Different mods. To activate Copy and Paste to your Renegade Data then rename it as cnc_c130drop.txt Note you can only have one on at a time. The Apache with Rocket Emplacement makes an apache and an invincible rocket emplacement attached to the bottom of it. Ceiling guns from apache makes a bunch of ceiling guns come out of the apache. The invincible mammy is obvious. All these things come from the red part of the strip everytime something is ordered or the harvy comes.
C&C Storage Author: o0Commander0o
C&C Storage screen shot Located in caverns in a secrect mountain....NOD has stored recon bikes to survey the deep tiberium pit that was formed 1000's of years ago...
GDI has been sent in to wipe out the NOD units defending the area, to regain control of the tiberium pit. NOD and GDI didn't have a time to set up a full scale base, but the barracks and hand of NOD have been supplied, so once will have to rely on the gun you hold...

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